April 30, 2022Little Loves
Magic Mamas

With Mothers Day just around the corner we wanted to share the beautiful women and mothers within our team here at Little Gatherer. We share our stories and some of our favourite MAGIC MAMA MOMENTS in this wild ride that is motherhood.

“my magic mama moment...”
Becoming a mama is by far the best thing I have ever done. Bringing these two incredible little humans into the world and seeing what amazing people they are becoming makes life so, so magical.
Vinnie, our funny, kind hearted, and inquisitive soul, the boy who made me a mama, and who keeps me on my toes everyday with his questions about anything and everything. This boy is going to conquer the world one day! And Stevie, our sweet, smart, sassy little firecracker, the puzzle piece that made our family complete. You truly are sunshine, my sweet girl.
Jonny and I are also beyond blessed to have two incredible mothers, and our children two incredible grandmothers. They are strong, supportive, creative, and inspiring and we feel so very lucky to have them and their support in raising our babies.
Vinnie, our funny, kind hearted, and inquisitive soul, the boy who made me a mama, and who keeps me on my toes everyday with his questions about anything and everything. This boy is going to conquer the world one day! And Stevie, our sweet, smart, sassy little firecracker, the puzzle piece that made our family complete. You truly are sunshine, my sweet girl.
Jonny and I are also beyond blessed to have two incredible mothers, and our children two incredible grandmothers. They are strong, supportive, creative, and inspiring and we feel so very lucky to have them and their support in raising our babies.

As your children grow up you really realise it is the little things that matter the most. These little things are my magic mama moments. Holding their hand when they try something new, the look to you for reassurance and the squeeze of their hand to let them know you are always there. That moment you see each other after being apart and their face lights up as they rush over and give you a big hug. Tucking them in at night, their content little sleeping faces, so perfect in every way. Stopping to “smell the flowers”, every… single… flower… when going out for walk. The way your heart explodes when they say 'I love you mama', it still gets me every time!
It's those little things that are so magical in motherhood and the things that when you are so in the thick of it can rush by. But as your children grow older you realise how much they mean and how truly special they are. I cannot wait to share a million more magical moments with them.
It's those little things that are so magical in motherhood and the things that when you are so in the thick of it can rush by. But as your children grow older you realise how much they mean and how truly special they are. I cannot wait to share a million more magical moments with them.

“my magic mama moment...”
I became a Mum at the young age of 18 and along the way I feel like I have really grown into the Mum I am today. I was lucky enough to have my beautiful Mila young and we grew together and she has shaped me into the woman and Mum I am today. I raised Mila as a solo Mum and we have so many special memories to look back on and cherish together. My mama helped me so much during these years and I will forever be grateful.
I had Hugo when Mila was 6 and he was just the missing piece to our little duo - He brings us both so much joy with his cheeky little personality and big smile. Seeing the kids together is just my biggest joy in life - I love watching them play and create all these fun little games together. They both have so much love for each other and it's the nicest thing to see. They are both such special little people and I like to think I'm the luckiest Mama in the world!
I had Hugo when Mila was 6 and he was just the missing piece to our little duo - He brings us both so much joy with his cheeky little personality and big smile. Seeing the kids together is just my biggest joy in life - I love watching them play and create all these fun little games together. They both have so much love for each other and it's the nicest thing to see. They are both such special little people and I like to think I'm the luckiest Mama in the world!

My favourite Mama moments are the small ones - just little everyday things. I love curling up and watching a movie with the kids, building forts to sleep in and lots of walks and trips to the playground. Motherhood is a forever changing thing and there are always new challenges and things to navigate so I like to remind myselfto cherish the small moments and just be forever grateful.

“my magic mama moment...”
Being a Mama is the hardest yet most rewarding job, as cliche as it sounds, it’s soo true. Having two little ones myself, Stella who’s two and Spencer who is four is the best! 100% challenging at times but they make up for the hard days by saying and doing the sweetest things, catching me off guard. They are two totally different characters, Stella is wild and loud, Spencer is more quiet and reserved, they truly bring out the best in each other and me.
One of my favourite ways to pass the time is watching them play and have little conversations between each other, whether they are doing puzzles, Lego, or playing outside, Spencer is always guiding Stella on how to do things, it’s the sweetest!
They made me a Mama and I’m so proud of them, for them and for how they have adapted from me being a full time SAHM to now working almost full time. They have taught me more than I'll ever be able to teach them. I look forward to our days together and can’t wait for our next adventures.
One of my favourite ways to pass the time is watching them play and have little conversations between each other, whether they are doing puzzles, Lego, or playing outside, Spencer is always guiding Stella on how to do things, it’s the sweetest!
They made me a Mama and I’m so proud of them, for them and for how they have adapted from me being a full time SAHM to now working almost full time. They have taught me more than I'll ever be able to teach them. I look forward to our days together and can’t wait for our next adventures.

I am also so lucky to be able to look up to my own mum, she is one incredible woman. As a single mum, owning her own business and looking after my sister and I, there’s not one thing I could fault her on. I hope that I give my children the relationship we continue to have and the childhood that I had.

“my magic mama moment...”
Being a mama has been without a doubt my favourite job of all time. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also been the hardest one. But every moment, every piece of Hugo and my journey, makes the next day more exciting and makes me look forward to the future adventures we are going to have.
My favourite mama moment would have to be the morning cuddles. Since Hugo was just a newborn, he has been an early riser. We have those few minutes before the morning rush starts where he snuggles in and his hand gently taps the side of my face, gets me every time. People tell me that the older they are the less cuddles us mama's get, well these ones I’m going to try and hold on to for as long as I can!
I couldn't be the Mum I am today without the rock of my own Mama. She is one of my best friends and everything that I hope to be as a Mum myself. I have been bought up in a large humble family with lots of love and laughter filled with all the values that I hope I can enrich into my little one.
My favourite mama moment would have to be the morning cuddles. Since Hugo was just a newborn, he has been an early riser. We have those few minutes before the morning rush starts where he snuggles in and his hand gently taps the side of my face, gets me every time. People tell me that the older they are the less cuddles us mama's get, well these ones I’m going to try and hold on to for as long as I can!
I couldn't be the Mum I am today without the rock of my own Mama. She is one of my best friends and everything that I hope to be as a Mum myself. I have been bought up in a large humble family with lots of love and laughter filled with all the values that I hope I can enrich into my little one.

“my magic mama moment...”
I’ve been so lucky to have been raised by my Mum. With two boisterous boys and fussy middle child (me!) who had to have all her apples peeled, and none of her food touching on the plate - she really had it cut out for her.
There’s been so many memorable moments with my mum but there’s one that takes the cake! The world famous (in my household) best ever Birthday cake! In my 5 year old mind, it was the most amazing cake in the world! Imagine this - a soft vanilla sponge, with pink berry icing and purple sprinkles, in the shape of a butterfly! I doubt that my Mum ever thought that 16 years on I would still remember that amazing cake, but I do, I even remember the taste, and that’s why it’s my Magic Mama Moment.
There’s been so many memorable moments with my mum but there’s one that takes the cake! The world famous (in my household) best ever Birthday cake! In my 5 year old mind, it was the most amazing cake in the world! Imagine this - a soft vanilla sponge, with pink berry icing and purple sprinkles, in the shape of a butterfly! I doubt that my Mum ever thought that 16 years on I would still remember that amazing cake, but I do, I even remember the taste, and that’s why it’s my Magic Mama Moment.